
About us

A great Adventure experience

Unleash your wanderlust as you delve into the breath taking landscapes and immerse yourself in nature’s grandeur. Our expert team of experienced guides and professionals are dedicated to curating meticulously planned treks, ensuring your safety, comfort, and utmost enjoyment throughout the expedition.

Discover a world of possibilities as we offer a diverse range of treks, tailored to cater to various skill levels and preferences. From awe-inspiring peaks and remote mountain ranges to serene valleys and ancient trails, Trekicon has it all. Whether you’re an experienced mountaineer seeking a thrilling challenge or a novice hiker craving an unforgettable escapade, we have the perfect trek for you.

Things to do


Rock Climbing
Adventure Activities
Nature Walks
Exploring the Nature & Wildlife


What you get

Join us on an epic adventure, where you’ll forge lasting memories, conquer new heights, and connect with fellow trekkers who share your passion for exploration. Uncover hidden gems, witness breath taking sunrises, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the regions we traverse.

Awesome trips

Whether you dream of scaling towering peaks, traversing vast glaciers, or trekking through dense forests, Trekicon is your trusted companion for turning those dreams into reality.

Unforgettable memories

Uncover hidden gems, witness breath taking sunrises, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the regions we traverse.

Strong friendships

Join us on an epic adventure, where you’ll forge lasting memories, conquer new heights, and connect with fellow trekkers who share your passion for exploration.

Learning activities

Nature – the biggest teacher of all!

Enroll now


Why our camp

Get ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure with Trekicon – where every step is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the awe-inspiring wonders of nature.




Do not miss this experience!

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